Username, password and confirmation code
Your credentials
Storage instructions
Never store your username and password on paper or unprotected digital documents, or on your personal devices (computer, smartphone or tablet).
Never share passwords with anyone via email, SMS, social networks, instant messaging. Not even with people you know well. If you use a PC, smartphone or other devices that do not belong to you, remember to delete your browsing data in your browser so that you do not share your login details with third parties.
The Call Centre Password
You'll need it to contact the call centre, be recognised and access your account also in this mode. You can create it later.
The Confirmation Code (OTP)
This is the one-time code that we send you via SMS when you are completing a transaction, to confirm your payments or changes to your profile. We'll always send it to your certified mobile number. Remember: Bank Widiba will never ask you for confirmation codes for transactions, either by email, SMS or phone.
Before entering the credentials to sign into your account on the Banca Widiba website, check that the address bar always features the wording, confirming that it is a secure website.
Your account, in full safety
When you have finished your transactions and want to exit your restricted area, click on the “EXIT” button located in the top right corner if you are navigating on your computer or smartphone, or at the bottom of the app menu.
Be careful, always
Never share your account login credentials. Banca Widiba will never call you on the phone asking for your username, password, or confirmation codes for your transactions or credit cards.
Only in exceptional cases will you be contacted by the Banca Widiba Security Office, and exclusively form the number +39-02-55400988. Never click on the links you find in SMS or emails from Banca Widiba. This could be a fraudulent communication. Never store the username and password you use to access your Banca Widiba home banking website on your browser.
A strong password
2. Please enter at least 4 different types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters such as full stop, hyphen, underscore, etc.
3. Do not enter personal references such as your first name, last name, date of birth.
4. Use "made up” words or "camouflaged” words: e.g. coffee can become coF-f33
5. Change your password frequently and do not use the same password you use for your social networks or email account
6. Avoid passwords that you have already used in the past
Support and contacts
800 22 55 77, from abroad + 06 45 59 40 10
Has access to your account been blocked? We protect your accounts, so we may take suspension measures during an investigation involved with security activities. Call Customer Service: from Italy 800 22 55 77, from abroad + 39 02 349 8 0 176.
Have you lost or has someone stolen your certified mobile phone? Contact Customer Service now and let them know about the incident.
Forgotten your username? Go to “Retrieve login details” on the login page. If you do not have your taxpayer’s code and email address to hand, please call us from your certified mobile phone at 800 22 55 77.
Forgotten your password to sign into the website? Go to “Retrieve login details” on the login page. If you do not have your taxpayer’s code and email address to hand, please call us from your certified mobile phone at 800 22 55 77.
Forgotten your Call Centre password? Go to “Retrieve login details” on the login page. If you do not have your taxpayer’s code and email address to hand, please call us from your certified mobile phone at 800 22 55 77.