With the Managed Online service, you can invest independently in over 5,000 Funds and Sicav, with subscription fees discounted to 70% until 31 December 2024.
You can choose from a wide range of solutions of any type, market or sector, selected from over 30 prestigious national and international Asset Managers and invest in one single solution (PIC), enter the markets gradually with recurring payments of €50 or more (PAC), or both, to diversify your investment strategy further.
Investing online, independently, is quick and easy.
Go to the Search Funds page of your Restricted Area, choose your Funds, and activate the Managed Online service on your Securities Dossier free of charge.
Would you rather invest with the assistance of a professional’s advice?
Banca Widiba offers you the expertise of more than 560 Financial Advisors to assist you make these most important choices and help you realise your future projects.
Contact your Financial Advisor or, if you don’t have one yet, go to the “Search for a Financial Advisor” page of the website and choose a professional to accompany you in the management of your assets.
Advertising message for promotional purposes. The information made available must not be understood as an invitation to invest or as a personalised recommendation. Detailed conditions of the Managed Online service can be found in the pre-contractual information and the Addendum available on the Restricted Area of the website when subscribing to the service. Subscription fees for Funds and SICAVs discounted to 70% until 31/12/2024, for full details see the Regulations on
Banca Widiba, insieme al Gruppo Montepaschi, ha ottenuto la certificazione della parità di genere: un riconoscimento che premia il nostro impegno a favore di un ambiente di lavoro equo, inclusivo e libero da discriminazioni. La certificazione è stata rilasciata da RINA, ente esterno e indipendente, dopo un’approfondita valutazione del percorso intrapreso per il raggiungimento dell’equità di genere a tutti i livelli aziendali.
Pari opportunità lavorative e conciliazione vita - lavoro, sensibilizzazione sulle tematiche di genere e presenza femminile in posizioni di leadership: sono questi i principi che ci guidano ogni giorno nella valorizzazione delle diversità che compongono la nostra Banca.
Scegliere Banca Widiba vuol dire affidarsi a una realtà che fa della parità di genere un elemento fondamentale per abbattere gli stereotipi e produrre un cambiamento culturale sostenibile nel tempo.
Quando si tratta di sicurezza informatica la parola d’ordine è una sola: mai abbassare la guardia!
La possibilità di inciampare in trappole e essere vittima di un tentativo di frode è sempre dietro l’angolo: email, sms, telefonate da finti operatori che cercano di appropriarsi delle tue credenziali o che ti invitano a registrarti su nuove piattaforme, sono solo alcuni esempi.
Eppure per difendersi ci vuole poco, basta seguire alcuni semplici consigli:
Non cliccare mai sui linkche trovi in SMS o email, anche in quelli che sembrano arrivare da Banca Widiba.Non condividere con nessuno i datidelle tue carte, i PIN, i codici di conferma delle operazioni (OTP), il tuo username e la tua password. Banca Widiba non ti chiamerà mai per chiederteli.
E se hai dei dubbi, chiamaci al Numero Verde gratuito. Insieme sapremo cosa fare.
Equity, inclusion and plurality are the principles behind our sustainable development model.
For this reason, we are committed every day to enhancing female talent, combating all forms of discrimination and recognising the uniqueness of our people. And always with the awareness that an inclusive culture can generate greater value.
We pursue this commitment at every stage of company life and in every organisational and operational aspect, in line with the Montepaschi Group’s Gender Equality Policy: a set of guiding principles for the creation of a fairer and more inclusive working environment.
With Banca Widiba, you can also open your account using your SPID profile! You can also use your credentials to apply for a new account, without the need for a new username and password. But that’s not all.
If you don't have a SPID profile yet, we can help you: create your digital identity with Banca Widiba, safely and in three easy steps.
Don't you feel more relaxed? Sign in to Banca Widiba and apply for a SPID profile.
The SPID service is provided by Inforcert S.p.A (“InfoCert”), a digital ID provider accredited by AgID – Agenzia per l’Italia digitale. Banca Widiba and InfoCert have signed a cooperation agreement under which Banca Widiba acts as a “Registration Office” for its clients, helping them obtain the credentials to access the online services provided by the suppliers who have joined SPID. SPID profiles are issued by the ID Provider InfoCert, who will provide Widiba clients with second-level SPID credentials. The service is offered free of charge to Widiba clients. Remote Digital Signature must be enabled to request the service. In its capacity as a Registration Office, Banca Widiba sends the request to Infocert but is not responsible for the issuance of credentials; this procedure is perfected on the InfoCert website. The General Conditions of the service will be available to the Client during the SPID profile request procedure.