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Your useful numbers

Toll-free number

From Italy: 800 22 55 77

From abroad: + 39 0577 381900

Da lunedì a venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 22. Il sabato dalle 9 alle 17.

Chiamaci dal tuo cellulare certificato e inserisci la tua password call center.

Block debit and pre-paid card

From Italy: 800 822 056

From abroad: +39 02 60843768

Active 24h

Block credit card

From Italy: 800 992 100

From abroad: +39 02 3498 0176

Active 24h

Credit Card Support

From Italy: 800 955 981

From abroad: +39 02 349 80147

The service is active:
for Classic Credit Cards, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 22:00,
For Gold Credit Cards, 24/7.

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Banca Widiba Banca Widiba



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Bring at least €25,000 of new cash to Banca Widiba and invest it with the Managed Online service or with a Financial Advisor. You will be able to reclaim stamp duty from 2025.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. The “Invest with Widiba 2025” initiative is reserved for Widiba clients who meet the specific membership conditions laid down in the Regulation. The investment is subject to compliance with the established conditions and to the contribution of new cash for a minimum amount of €25,000, to be invested between 14 November 2024 and 28 February 2025 included, in accordance with the initiative’s procedures. The initiative provides for the reimbursement of stamp duty relating to the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2025 (settlement period from 14/11/2024 to 31/12/2025). For terms and conditions, participation procedures, and any limitations of the “Invest with Widiba 2025” initiative, please refer to the complete Regulations available at www.widiba.it/banca/online/it/trasparenza.
For all conditions relating to the Widiba account, please refer to the Info Factsheets and the pre-contractual policy statement available in the Transparency section of the website bancawidiba.it.

We boost the value of your assets

We will help you fulfil your projects with tailored solutions and the support of a dedicated Financial Advisor.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. For all the conditions relating to the products and services advertised, please refer to the Info Factsheets and contractual documentation available in the Transparency section of the website bancawidiba.it (https://www.widiba.it/banca/online/it/trasparenza).


Conto Widiba Classic: semplice, evoluto, completo.

Carta di debito internazionale, bonifici SEPA e prelievi sopra i 100€ gratuiti. E in più Linee di risparmio e dossier titoli già incluso.

Sei un nuovo cliente?
Richiedi l’apertura del Conto Widiba Start entro il 22 gennaio 2025, hai il canone azzerato per il primo anno e il tasso annuo lordo del 3% sui vincoli a 6 mesi di almeno 5.000 €. Scopri di più

Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Per tutte le condizioni relative ai servizi pubblicizzati e le esclusioni occorre fare riferimento al regolamento «Tasso 3% Ottobre 2024», ai fogli informativi e all'informativa precontrattuale disponibili nella Sezione Trasparenza widiba.it. Tasso annuo lordo del 3% sui vincoli 6 mesi di almeno 5.000 € attivati dai nuovi clienti che, tra il 10/10/24 e il 22/01/25, richiedono l’apertura del Conto Widiba. Leggi il regolamento.


Invest in your projects

Innovative solutions developed with first-rate partners so that you can make the most of the best investment opportunities, either independently or with a Financial Advisor.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. Before signing, please carefully read through the contractual documentation available in the Transparency section of the widiba.it website and at the offices of the Financial Advisors.

Choose the right card for you

A complete offering and smart solutions to ensure the best payment experience, anywhere, anytime. And with the Widiba Debit and Credit Cards, you can also pay with your smartphone.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. For all the conditions relating to the products and services advertised, please refer to the Info Factsheets and contractual documentation available in the Transparency section of the website bancawidiba.it (https://www.widiba.it/banca/online/it/trasparenza).

Open a Widiba Account and transfer your services from your old account

You can transfer the balance, investment account and payments linked to your account in another bank. With the WidiExpress service, it only takes a few steps and we’ll help you along the way.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. For all the conditions relating to the products and services advertised, please refer to the Info Factsheets and contractual documentation available in the Transparency section of the website bancawidiba.it (https://www.widiba.it/banca/online/it/trasparenza).