Because it is like you
A natural language: nothing to learn and no instructions to be followed
An advanced engine: an intuitive and simple approach to everything you do
You can choose your account number
Customize your debit card according to your style
Your fingerprint is your password
Simply digital
Open your account in 5 minutes via webcam
Archive documents online
Geolocate and categorise your expenses with My Money
Sign in to your account with your fingerprint
Because everything is simplified
Scrap your old account with WidiExpress
Use our advanced ATMs to make payments and deposits
Make payments in real time using your phone with BANCOMAT Pay®
Avail of an advanced trading platform
Because it develops projects with you
Choose your Financial Advisor for your most important decisions
Together, lay out an investment strategy in line with your goals
Avail of a diversified offering
Stay connected with our web collaboration service
Because your are a name, not a number
Ask Widdy, our virtual assistant who will interpret your needs
Choose the channel your prefer
We will answer your queries, immediately or at the most appropriate time
Our team is always available
Because it is where and how you want it
Talk directly with your Bank by video call
Sign in to your account with your fingerprint
Use our services from your smartphone, tablet or PC
Carry out transactions at any time of day or night