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Assistenza WISE


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Your useful numbers

Toll-free number

From Italy: 800 22 55 77

From abroad: + 39 0577 381900

Da lunedì a venerdì dalle 8:30 alle 22. Il sabato dalle 9 alle 17.

Chiamaci dal tuo cellulare certificato e inserisci la tua password call center.

Block debit and pre-paid card

From Italy: 800 822 056

From abroad: +39 02 60843768

Active 24h

Block credit card

From Italy: 800 992 100

From abroad: +39 02 3498 0176

Active 24h

Credit Card Support

From Italy: 800 955 981

From abroad: +39 02 349 80147

The service is active:
for Classic Credit Cards, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 22:00,
For Gold Credit Cards, 24/7.

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Why Banca Widiba

The tools for today, an advisor for tomorrow


Advertising message for promotional purposes. For all the conditions relating to the products and services advertised, please refer to the Info Factsheets and General Regulations available in the Transparency section of the website bancawidiba.it (https://www.widiba.it/banca/online/it/trasparenza).

Because it is like you

A natural language: nothing to learn and no instructions to be followed

  • An advanced engine: an intuitive and simple approach to everything you do

  • You can choose your account number

  • Customize your debit card according to your style

  • Your fingerprint is your password

Simply digital

  • Open your account in 5 minutes via webcam

  • Archive documents online

  • Geolocate and categorise your expenses with My Money

  • Sign in to your account with your fingerprint

Because everything is simplified

  • Scrap your old account with WidiExpress

  • Use our advanced ATMs to make payments and deposits

  • Make payments in real time using your phone with BANCOMAT Pay®

  • Avail of an advanced trading platform

Because it develops projects with you

  • Choose your Financial Advisor for your most important decisions

  • Together, lay out an investment strategy in line with your goals

  • Avail of a diversified offering

  • Stay connected with our web collaboration service

Because your are a name, not a number

  • Ask Widdy, our virtual assistant who will interpret your needs

  • Choose the channel your prefer

  • We will answer your queries, immediately or at the most appropriate time

  • Our team is always available

Because it is where and how you want it

  • Talk directly with your Bank by video call

  • Sign in to your account with your fingerprint

  • Use our services from your smartphone, tablet or PC

  • Carry out transactions at any time of day or night

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