Open Widiba is a service that helps you manage your savings on a daily basis. With Open Widiba, you can access the accounts and cards you've decided to link up, easily and intuitively, without switching between banks. This makes it easier to check your income and expenses, and to view your available funds in a flash.
You can link to your Widiba account the current accounts, credit cards and prepaid cards you hold in other banks. More than 200 accounts and cards can already be linked!
You can view the bank details, balances, and transactions of the current accounts, credit cards and prepaid cards you hold with other banks or financial institutions. You can also arrange bank transfers, charging the linked account held at other banks directly from within Banca Widiba.
IMPORTANT: Transfers to some banks may not be available at the moment. The message "Transaction not available for the selected bank" will promptly notify you of the temporary impossibility of making transfers to the bank you have selected.
The service is based on the European Payment Services Directive 2015/2366 (also known as “PSD2”), which entered into force on 13 January 2018. Born to foster innovation in digital payments and increase the protection and security of your data, this directive introduces new operators, other than banks (“TPP - Third Party Providers”), in the field of online payments, defining their rights and obligations also in the field of security.
The “PSD2” introduces the sharing of bank details, balances and transactions (a.k.a. “Open Banking”) between different players in the banking world, naturally with the authorisation of their clients. Open Widiba is Banca Widiba’s way of interpreting and streamlining this directive with a view to simplifying your everyday life, guiding you in your daily choices and helping you achieve your goals.
There are already more than 200 banks and financial institutions that can be linked up, and the list is continuously growing. For the full list, go to Open Widiba > Link your banks and click on Link.
Yes, it’s safe: it is always you who gives the consent to access your data.
Important: having access to your data doesn't mean that the bank or third party operator also has access to your money. No one other than you can perform transactions on these accounts; they can only provide you with information on your balances and transactions.
Moreover, the highest levels of security will be adopted to link your banks, using different authentication tools(“strong customer authentication”): you will need to use your credentials and other identification factors that only you know (e.g. a temporary password).
No, using the service gives you access to the details of all the accounts and cards linked to Widiba, but the opposite is not true. The other bank will only receive information about your attempts to make links, but will not have access to your financial data relating to Widiba or to any other banks linked to Open Widiba.
Yes. Only after you have given your consent will Banca Widiba be able to import your data (the balance and transactions of all your accounts held at other banks) into one secure location, your Io Conto area. From here you can obtain an aggregate overview of all your expenses, understand how to manage them better, be more aware of your financial decisions, and enjoy an altogether better banking experience.